Richard Feynman
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Imagine a panda bear with Richard Feynman 's face on it .
Richard Feynman 's Nobel Prize winning idea on quantum electrodynamics was inspired by a wobbling plate in a cafeteria .
Richard Feynman is regarded as something of a scientific cult-figure .
It 's not like I was invited to Richard Feynman 's house and have anything better to do .
Richard Feynman first proposed the concept of quantum simulation . Quantum simulation is that one quantum system with more controllable simulates another .
In1982 Richard Feynman suggested that the venerable Turing machine might not be as powerful as people thought .
The renowned physicist Richard Feynman foresaw the way to the science of nanotechnology .
As the great physicist Richard Feynman once said : Imagine how much harder physics would be if electrons had feelings .
Richard Feynman is by his own account a'Curious Character'whose personality at times has overshadowed his remarkable contributions to physics .
It 's true , a select group of scientists was invited to a weekend symposium at a former home of Richard Feynman , and I wasn 't included .
And then , oh , last but not least , this inspirational cat poster , improved with the reassuring face of physics renegade Richard Feynman .
The book that had quite a big impact on Brin was Surely You 're Joking , Mr. Feynman ! , by Nobel-winning theoretical physicist Richard Feynman .
As those who knew him had the pleasure of finding out , Richard Feynman 's straight-forwardness and tenacity were just part of the many traits that made up this brilliant and remarkable man .
In his lifetime , he met Albert Einstein , worked under Linus Pauling , and knew everyone from Crick and Watson to the great physicists Leo Szilard and Richard Feynman .
Richard Feynman 's Nobel Prize winning idea on quantum electrodynamics was inspired by a wobbling plate in a cafeteria . J.K. Rowling 's idea for Harry Potter came to her while she was waiting on a crowded train .
Richard Phillips Feynman establishes the first floor of new physics building with his set of scientific original discoveries in the twentieth century , profoundly and continually influencing the way of physicists think and interprets the nature and universe .
Richard P.Feynman biography . Feynman , an MIT graduate , was curious about the nature of quantum information .